Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015

Online Banking

The new frontier of  is the online bank, where customers can access many banking functions via the Internet, including balance queries, transfers, automatic payments, and loan applications. For the consumer, online banking offers greater convenience and access to information than even the ATM, albeit without the ability to obtain cash. From the bank’s point of view, online banking offers a new way to reach and serve customers while relieving the strain on the ATM hardware and network. However, use of the Internet increases vulnerability to hackers and raises issues of privacy and the handling of personal information similar to those found in other e-commerce venues. In 2006 a Pew Center survey found that 43 percent of Internet users were banking online—a total of about 63 million American adults. Other surveys have found about a third of Internet users now pay bills online. There are also a relatively small but growing number of Internetonly banks, many of which are affiliated with traditional banks. A particularly attractive feature of online banking is the ability to integrate bank services with popular personal finance software such as Quicken. As impressive as it has been, the growth in online banking may have been inhibited by a perceived lack of security.
A 2006 Gartner Research survey reported that nearly half of adults surveyed said that concerns over the potential for information theft and computer attacks had affected their use of online services such as banking and e-commerce transactions. Gartner translates this to an estimated 33 million U.S. adults who do not bank online because of such concerns. (Banks are frequently impersonated in deceptive emails and Web sites—see phishing and spoofing.) In response, government regulations (FFIEC or Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council) guidelines issued in October 2005 required banks by the end of 2006 to provide detailed risk assessments and mitigation plans for dealing with data breaches. Large banks spent about $15 million each on this process in 2006. Much greater expenses are likely as banks find themselves compelled to purchase and install more-secure user authentication software. They face the multiple challenge of securing their systems while reassuring their users and not forcing them to go through complicated, hard-to-remember log-in procedures. Credit card issuers are also starting to turn to the Internet to provide additional services. According to the com- Score service 524 million credit card bills were paid online in 2006. By 2007 about 70 percent of all credit card holders had logged on to their accounts at least once. Many customers have responded to incentives to discontinue receiving paper statements.

today, sophisticated of technology can not be stop, and can not be separate with this impact. for example in the banking world. The new frontier of electronic bankingis the online bank, where customers can access many banking functions via the Internet. For the consumer, online banking offers greater convenience and access to information than even the ATM, albeit without the ability to obtain cash. From the bank’s point of view, online banking offers a new way to reach and serve customers while relieving the strain on the ATM hardware and network. However, use of the Internet increases vulnerability to hackers and raises issues of privacy and the handling of personal information. but many customers have responded to incentives to discontinue receiving paper statements. 

Passive Voice & Causative Have

kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya.
Contoh :
               Active : We fertilize the soil every 6 months
               Passive: The soil is fertilized by us every 6 months

 Dari contoh ini dapat kita lihat bahwa:
Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
Verb1 (fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
Ditambahkannya be ‘is’ di depan verb3. Be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan tenses yang digunakan. (Perhatikan pola-pola passive voice di bawah).
Ditambahkannya kata ‘by’ di belakang verb3. Namun, jika object dari passive voice dianggap tidak penting atau tidak diketahui, maka object biasanya tidak dikemukakan dan begitu pula kata ‘by’.
Khusus untuk kalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan past future perfect continuous, perlu menambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalau tidak ditambahkan “being”, tensisnya akan berubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi. Perhatikan contoh-contoh pada poin h – o di bawah.
Berdasarkan keenam poin di atas maka passive voice mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:

                    Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier

Pola active dan passive voice pada tiap tenses
a. Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are.
· Active    : He meets them everyday.
· Passive  : They are met by him everyday.

b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atauwere
· Active    : He met them yesterday
· Passive  : They were met by him yesterday

c. Jika active voice dalam present perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary has atau have, sehingga menjadi ‘has been’ atau ‘have been’
· Active    : He has met them
· Passive  : They have been met by him

d. Jika active voice dalam past perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary had, sehingga menjadi had been
· Active    : He had met them before I came.
· Passive  : They had been met by him before I came.
e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
· Active    : He will meet them tomorrow.
· Passive  : They will be met by him tomorrow.

f. Jika active voice dalam future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary will have, sehingga menjadi ‘will have been’
· Active    : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
· Passive  : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.

g. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalahbeen yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary would have, sehingga menjadi ‘would have been’.
· Active    : He would have met them.
· Passive  : They would have been met by him.

h. Jika active voice dalam present continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (is, am atau are) + being.
· Active    : He is meeting them now.
· Passive  : They are being met by him now.

i. Jika active voice dalam past continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (wasatau were) + being.
· Active    : He was meeting them.
· Passive  : They were being met by him.

j. Jika active voice dalam perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (has/have) been + being.
· Active    : He has been meeting them.
· Passive  : They have been being met by him.

k. Jika active voice dalam past perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah had been + being.
· Active    : He had been meeting them.
· Passive  : They had been being met by him.

l. Jika active voice dalam future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalahwill be + being.
· Active    : He will be meeting them.
· Passive  : They will be being met by him.

m. Jika active voice dalam past future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would be + being.
. Active    : He would be meeting them.
. Passive  : They would be being met by him.

n. Jika active voice dalam future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will have been + being.
· Active    : He will have been meeting them.
· Passive  : They will have been being met by him.

o. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would have been + being.
· Active    : He would be meeting them.
· Passive  : They would be being met by him.

exercise :
1. Koko’s nose is bleeding. He was punched by his friend right on his nose.
2. The Indonesian football team was beaten by the Saudi Arabian team.
3. These plants were watered by my sister a few minutes ago.
4. There is no meal left. All has been devoured by Yeyes.
5. English is studied by all high school students.

Causative Have 

bentuk aktif dan bentuk pasif

Have bentuk aktif.
rumusnya : Subject + have/has/had + Object1 + V1 + Object2

Dalam Causative have bentuk aktif ini, akan ada subjek dan 2buah objek, objek yang pertama adalah orang/benda hidup yang akan disuruh dan yang kedua adalah benda matinya.

1. I have the mechanic repair my car.
(saya menyuruh montir memperbaiki mobil saya.)
Disini “I” sebagai subjeknya, dan “the mechanic” sebagai objek pertamanya yang disuruh oleh si “I”, dan “my car” adalah objek keduanya(benda mati).

2. Mother has her son do homework.
(Ibu menyuruh anaknya mengerjakan PR.)

3. She has her friend take her book.
(dia menyuruh temannya mengambil bukunya.)

Exercise :
1. We had  our treasury Bought  our new books yesterday.
2. She has  her mom cooked dinner for her.
3. He had his brother done  his homework last night .
4. Tom is having Bill written  the report at the moment.
5. Mike has  Jenni saved  his data. 



Connectors digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat/lebih menjadi satu kalimat.

Connectors dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu:

1.    Menunjukan waktu: before, after, as soon as, while, when.
a.    We went home after the rain stopped.
b.    I prepare my ticket and passport before I go on holiday to Paris.

2.    Menunjukan sebab dan akibat: because/because of, since.
a.    I went to the hospital because I had a serious accident.
b.    I went to the hospital because of my serious accident.

3.    Menunjukan tanda urutan: first, next, then, after that, finally.
a.    first, we must prepare the ingredients.
b.    Next, we cut the vegetables into small pieces.
c.    After that, we put them into frying pan.
d.    Finally, we put some sauce and salt.    

1. I started to look for an apartment as soon as I arrived in this city.
2.  While he was reading her novel, somebody knocked on the door.
3. He is tired because he has been working so hard.
4. I was really sad when I saw a drama movie.
5. Since I have no money, I can’t treat you.


Adjective and Adverb

Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda. Contoh:
·         She’s an excellent dancer.
·         I’ve got a new apartment.
Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan. Contoh:
- She learns quickly.
- You can speak English well.
Adjective (kata sifat)
Adjective bisa ditempatkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh:
·         This is a beautiful bird.
·         “This is a bird beautiful.” tidak benar.
Kata sifat memberikan informasi seperti ukuran (kecil, besar), bentuk (bulat, persegi), warna (kuning, hijau), kebangsaan (Cina, Polandia), dan opini (baik, buruk).
Adjective tidak mengalami perubahan yang tergantung pada jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Contoh:
·         She has a cute puppy.
·         She has three cute puppies.
Perhatikan bahwa adjective (cute) tidak mengalami perubahan baik dalam bentuk tunggal (puppy) maupun jamak (puppies).
Adjective juga bisa ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu seperti be, feel, look, dan taste. Contoh:
·         I’m really happy today.
·         She’s got a new job so she feels great.
·         You look wonderful!
·         This chicken tastes delicious.
Adverb (kata keterangan)
Adverb sering dibentuk dengan menambahkan -ly di belakang adjective. Contoh:
·         quick (adjective) - He’s quick at learning new things.
·         quickly (adverb) - He learns quickly.
·         bad (adjective) - He didn’t get a bad test score.
·         badly (adverb) - He didn’t do badly in his test.
Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-y”ganti “-y” dengan “-i” dan tambahkan “-ly“. Contoh:
·         easy (adjective) - He thinks math is easy.
·         easily (adverb) - He can do math easily.
·         happy (adjective) - He’s a happy man.
·         happily (adverb) - He works happily every day.
Untuk adverb yang terbentuk dari adjective yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-le” ganti “-le” dengan “-ly“. Contoh:
·         simple (adjective) - The teacher makes difficult things simple.
·         simply (adverb) - He teaches simply and clearly.
Beberapa adverb sama dengan adjective. Contoh:
·         He runs fast (adverb) - He’s a fast runner. (adjective)
·         He studies hard. (adverb) - It’s a hard life. (adjective)
Adverb untuk “good” adalah “well“. Contoh:
·         She’s a good pianist.
·         She plays the piano well.
Adverb juga bisa mengubah adjective dan adverb-adverb lainnya. Contoh:
·         That’s a good book.
·         That’s a very good book.
·         She’s a talented girl.
·         She’s an incredibly talented girl.
·         You’re right!
·         You’re absolutely right!


1. George writes carelessly.
2. I answered that his question easily.
3. Sally speaks softly.
4. I entered the classroom quietly because I was late.
5. Jack opened the heavy door slowly.
6. The old man carves wooden figures skillfully.
7. A busy executive usually has short conversations on the telephone.
8. The young man had a very good time at the picnic yesterday.
9. I write English articles continuously.
10. She has been singing a song beautifully for 6 minutes.

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